What are the learning/discoveries that I have gained?

             The first thing that came in mind when I entered the ICT room is that "Oh thank God, finally some feel of cold air. " Because honestly that time it was really hot and I feel like some fish being dried to the sun, okay that was probably an exaggeration. The ICT this year covers mostly the internet so that was another plus for saying that this subject is really top level awesome. You know the feeling like "Oh yeah I know it I'm an expert at that" yeah that arrogant know-it-all vibe. I probably had that because seriously internet is like the universal language of teens. But when discussions rolled in and the teacher told this and that, I was like "OH SO THAT WAS WHAT ITS CALLED" or "NOW I KNOW". So I basically learned a lot of new things that's really foreign on my "broad" knowledge.

What are the problems/challenges that I have encountered?

                Nothing was really challenging until I finished the 1st blog entry because in the second entry I started something really bad, guess what? Yeah PROCRASTINATION that's it. I'm a certified procrastinator to the bones. So that's really just my problem in doing anything. If you asked me to do a task right now, I'd probably send you a mean kind of look on the face or just a glare that may turn you to stone. Nahh just kidding I'm just really a lazy person.

How did I address these challenges?

                  I don't know why but I'm better in doing my work when I'm rushing it, either it's just a day away or hours away from the deadline. Maybe it's because of the pressure that my mind gets to work thrice the regular or so. So I conclude that I've passed this big obstacle. 

Moving on, I will... 

                   I will do my everything I can and just hope for the best. I know this is very cliché but oh well. Plus I think I'm going to try avoid the curse of lazy so that I may pass everything on time and not have one this nights where I stay up all night to do all the requirements and wake up with a set of bloodshot eyes.


  1. Impressive! :)

    You really mentioned your experiences and what you've cultured - step by step! Good Job! So realistic!

    It reflects your interest in writing and reading literary pieces, which I suppose, made your "blog entry" effective :) Like it!

  2. Oh my God! This is really good. The pictures, the content, very nice. I love it. (:

  3. Very organized.
    You always impress me on your works. :)
    I really like it. Keep it up. :D

  4. Your work is really alluring. Your ideas are well-organized. Continue what you have started. I'm a fan of your works. :)

  5. You've arranged your ideas very wonderful! I know that you'll become a good writer someday :) Keep it up always :)

  6. Okay, your blog is great. :D and I like the way you expressed your ideas, it was very personal like you want others to know you better. Keep up the good work, Nyvonne! :)))

  7. Okay, your blog is great. :D and I like the way you expressed your ideas, it was very personal like you want others to know you better. Keep up the good work, Nyvonne! :)))
