Remember The True Essence of Christmas

In the East, the Festival of the Invincible Sun was the major winter celebration. In Rome, meanwhile, the Saturnalia literally closed down the region for twelve days. As Christian missionaries ventured into Northern Europe, they were exposed to the Feast of Yule, a widespread solstice celebration for many tribes and clans. While adopting a Christian focus for these festivals, the Church allowed many of the customs and traditions associated with their older significance to remain.
Many ancient Christmas customs survive to this day. Decorations of evergreen wreaths, holly, and mistletoe, along with Christmas trees, are found in many homes during this season. Colored lights and candles are often displayed. Christmas gift-giving is an intimate time for many families. Children's eyes light up at the mention of Santa Claus or Father Christmas. In England, the Twelve Days of Christmas are a time of great banquets, caroling throughout neighborhoods, exchanging presents, and attending parties.
For many people around the world, Christmas is the high point of the Advent season, which honors the birth of the Son of God. It is a joyous time for many Christians as they give thanks to God for His infinite love and mercy.